The Forum will be a platform for business dialogue with over 650 business representatives from more than 450 companies,” emphasized Alexey Overchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation as quoted by Iranpress.
The Forum’s discussions are aimed at developing specific and practical solutions for the comprehensive economic development of the Eurasian Economic Union member states and countries of the Eurasian region, the source added.
The theme of the Forum is ‘Eurasian Integration in a Multipolar World’.
The EAEF 2023 will include about 35 business sessions but the key event will be the plenary session of the Forum.
Representatives of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the International Organization for Migration are expected to participate in the Forum.
One of the key discussions at the Forum will be held within the framework of the ‘Priorities for EAEU 2030+’ strategy session.
The second Eurasian Economic Forum is being held on May 24-25 as part of the Russian Federation’s presidency of the EAEU bodies in 2023.