Head of the Kermanshah Province Customs Supervision Department Ali Asghar Abbaszadeh said on Sunday that Iran exported $4,384,992,239 worth of goods weighing 11,352,304 tons to Iraq in the first seven months.
From the total exports of Iran to Iraq in the said period, Kermanshah province exported $1,704,877,988 of goods with a weight value of 4,215,837 tons which enjoys 39% in value and 37% in weight among the country’s border crossings, he noted.
Abbaszadeh further noted that Parviz Khan Customs enjoys the highest share with $562,732,063 export and the Khosravi border crossing is the second one with an export value of $461,544,034.
The main exported goods through the customs of Kermanshah province were rebar, iron, ceramic tiles, fruits, and vegetables, building stones, dairy, plastic products, and disposable containers, he said.