Hojjatoleslam Mohammad-Javad Haj Ali-Akbari emphasized in the meeting that there will be no lenience in dealing with the intriguers of insecurity in Sistan-Balouchestan, but those who have been under the influence of sentiments will be soon freed from prison.
He appreciated the efforts made by the representative of the Supreme Leader and said, “The clerics, trustees, and tribal chiefs of the region should act thoughtfully, and amid peaceful conditions and pursue the events.”
The head of Friday Prayers Policymaking Council, added, “The Supreme Leader in various meetings announced his love for Sistan-Balouchestan province, arguing that his love for Sistan-Balouchestan is firstly rational, and secondly because I was once residing in that province, and discovered various capacities of the region’s people, and also about the historical deprivation of the province.”
He said that generally speaking, it can be said that he has a very good feeling and a deep love for this province.
Hojjatoleslam Mohammad-Javad Haj Ali-Akbari said, “In the course of the recent events in the province, the Supreme Leader got annoyed and worried, and ordered surveys, and after he received the results of the surveys his eminence ordered that the various aspects of the issue will be clarified, and the documents and documents and reasons will be clearly considered.”
He added, “The Supreme leader’s demand is acting in accordance with whatever reality that is found out, and that the surveys will be delivered to the Supreme National Security Council for decision making.”
The head of Friday Prayers Policymaking Council said, “The adopted decisions were in accordance with those surveys, and about what occurred in Zahedan and the other cities, and our viewpoint needs to be more comprehensive.”
Hojjatoleslam Haj Ali-Akbari said, “Based on the Supreme Leader’s precise viewpoint, the innocent people who have been shot are martyrs and the innocent people who have been injured are war disabled, and those two groups will both be under the supportive umbrella of the Martyrs Foundation.”
He emphasized, “Yet, the person, or persons who have violated the national or provincial security, or committed crimes will not be dealt with leniently, and the Supreme Leader too, will under no condition let any right be ruined, in law, or in jurisprudence.”
The official said that in the events in this province some people were intriguing masses, and their files are separated, and they need to make up for their faults and ask to be excuses, and this cannot be ignored.
Hojjatoleslam Haj Ali-Akbari appreciated many tribal chiefs, security organizations, clerics, army, and police forces, who tolerated lots of hardships.
He emphasized that the elderly trustees are expected in such occasion to quench the fire of sedition, especially in a province like Sistan-Balouchestan, whose people are noble, and respect the old people and expect them to block the path for sedition.
The official said that throughout Iran, too, the enemies are after taking disadvantage of whatever happens, but the wise and revolutionary people should separate themselves from the intriguers of sedition.
At the beginning of the meeting the Friday Prayers Imam of Zahedan Abdul Hamid Esmail-Zehi welcomed the audience, and said, “Based on negotiations with the representative of the Supreme Leader we intended to receive the dispatched delegation, but the news broke out and the pressure on the organizes mounted.”
He then presented explanations on the recent events in the province, saying, “Sistan-Balouchestan province before the occurrence of the recent events enjoyed full security and there was no particular problem.”
Abdul Hamid Esmail-Zehi referred to the Chabahar events, adding, “In Chabahar unrests we tried to harness the events and let the judiciary courts survey the matter justly, and the representative of the Supreme Leader Haj Mahami, too, advised us and we too, advised the people to say what they know in that respect.”
On September 30 events of Zahedan, he said, “None of us neither knew, nor was ready for the occurrence of any event. We performed our prayers, and normally the Sunni Muslims perform their non obligatory prayers after the Friday prayers, and we were speaking at peace, when we heard the sound of shooting, and then the machineguns, and that worried the people.”
Esmail-Zehi said that the documentaries show that there were no one at the police station, and after the beginning of the shootings, some of the youth rushed to the police station and began throwing stones, which is also seen in the documentary published by the police.
He said that the terrorist groups played no role in Zahedan, adding, “It is said that they had weapons, but if there were terrorist groups here, they would have killed at least one person and accused the ordinary people of the crime, or attacked the police station, while no police officer has been shot.
The imam said that a group of innocent people have got killed, adding, “It was a bitter event, and I will talk to you about the problems. This was a part of it, and another part was after the evening prayer, when in Khayyam Street a number of people and officers got killed there.”
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