DidgahNews.ir/ Main Features of Pyramid Schemes:
– Promising unrealistic incomes based on the recruitment of new members.
– Lack of real products or services, or the sale of fake and worthless products.
– Exploiting the general public’s lack of awareness regarding financial investments.
In the past two decades, many pyramid fraud schemes have used the stock and securities markets as a cover to deceive people. Why?
– Fraudsters can disguise fake securities as legitimate investment documents.
– Public’s limited awareness of financial markets is a golden opportunity for these fraudsters.
Unique Finance; One of the Largest Pyramid Schemes in the Region
One of the most well-known pyramid schemes in the Middle East is Unique Finance. This criminal network has expanded its operations to countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan, and has also had numerous victims in Turkey.
The founders of Unique Finance, who are Iranian nationals, have long experience in failed Ponzi schemes like Unifunds and Quiant. They attempted to relaunch this pyramid scheme by rebranding it as a legitimate investment company.
Who is the Founder of Unique Finance?
Farzin Fardin Fard, an Iranian national residing in the UAE, is the mastermind behind Unique Finance, managing the operation through his music studio, 3FMusic, in Dubai.
Other Key Figures in Unique Finance:
– Mohsen Derakhshan (the main head of Unique Finance in Iran)
– Nima Tabari Fard
– Mojtaba Goran Jalali (known as Kourosh Garan)
Mohsen Derakhshan, who played a key role in bringing this fraud scheme to Iran, was recently sentenced to 20 years in prison, asset confiscation worth $60 million, and heavy fines in a public trial.
Unique Finance has been labeled a pyramid scheme by regulatory and judicial authorities in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and its leaders are facing legal prosecution.
Examining the Claims of Unique Finance
The leaders of Unique Finance have made numerous claims to further their fraudulent activities. In this section, we will review the accuracy of these claims.
1) Is Unique Finance a Swiss Company?
One of the persistent claims made by the founders and supporters of Unique Finance is that it is a legitimate global financial institution with an official office in Zurich, Switzerland. They claim that the company’s leadership and board of directors are based in this office and manage the company’s activities.
However, a simple inquiry with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) reveals that this claim is completely false. According to FINMA’s official statement:
– Unique Finance is listed in Switzerland’s investment warning list.
– No such company exists in Switzerland, and there is no official office in Zurich.
– Unique Finance was dissolved in 2017 and no longer exists.
Fraudsters have exploited the name of a dissolved company to hide their fraudulent activities.
Supporters of Unique Finance claim that the reason for FINMA’s warning is “tax issues,” but FINMA’s response is clear:
“A company that does not exist in Switzerland cannot have tax issues!”
Official source: FINMA’s warning about Unique Finance
2) Does Unique Finance Have an International Operating License?
The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), known as the global regulator for financial markets, oversees investment companies carefully.
What is the role of IOSCO?
– Collaborating with the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) on global regulatory reforms.
– Reviewing and verifying companies’ adherence to financial and investment standards.
– Identifying and warning about unauthorized and fraudulent companies.
According to an official statement from IOSCO, Unique Finance has been listed on their warning list since July 2017. This means:
– Unique Finance has no legal license to operate internationally.
– Reports from FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) about the company’s illegality have been confirmed by IOSCO.
Official source: IOSCO’s warning list regarding Unique Finance
3) Does Unique Finance Have a License to Operate in Iran?
In Iran, the FATA police and the network marketing oversight committee have identified Unique Finance as an illegal pyramid scheme. According to Iranian laws:
– Operating in this pyramid scheme is illegal.
– Those who recruit members for Unique Finance are considered criminals.
According to the Supreme Court’s public ruling, recruiting for unlicensed pyramid schemes is considered an independent crime, and the recruiter is directly responsible.
FATA has also launched a text message inquiry system, labeling Unique Finance as an illegal pyramid scheme. Additionally, on the official website of the Network Marketing Companies Oversight Committee, a list of licensed companies operating in Iran is available, and Unique Finance is not on this list.
4) Does Unique Finance Operate on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange?
One of the biggest lies of Unique Finance to deceive investors is their claim of collaboration with NASDAQ and other reputable global financial markets. However, the official response from the NASDAQ account and its Dubai office is very clear:
– NASDAQ has no connection with Unique Finance.
– Unique Finance is not a member of NASDAQ.
This claim by fraudsters is merely a marketing trick to gain trust and attract uninformed investors.
5) Does Unique Finance Have an Automated Trading System (ATS)?
The fraudsters behind Unique Finance claim to have an automated trading system (ATS) that guarantees daily, fixed returns. But such a claim is impossible in the real world!
– Financial markets are highly volatile. No robot can produce steady profits without risk.
– Broker commissions and stock exchange fees make minute-to-minute trading impossible without losses.
– Even large markets, such as Apple and Tesla shares, experience unpredictable fluctuations every minute, let alone a steady daily profit!
The fraudsters claim that Unique Finance trades stocks of companies like Caterpillar, Apple, Benz, BMW, and Facebook.
The reality: These stock certificates are fake!
To invest in the US stock market, identity verification and bank account confirmation are required.
Citizens of sanctioned countries are not allowed to invest in US exchanges.
Since Unique Finance has no connection to NASDAQ, such trades are impossible!
Conclusion: The claim of an automated trading system is another big lie to deceive people.
6) Is Initial Capital Insured by Unique Finance?
Unique Finance claims that members’ investments are insured by an American insurance company named GPM. But this claim is entirely false!
– No insurance company in the world guarantees investments in financial markets. The nature of the investment market is risk and volatility.
– An inquiry from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Delaware state business registration system confirms that GPM does not exist on these lists.
This claim is just another promotional trick to attract the money of uninformed people.
Conclusion: No insurance guarantees your investment. This is just another lie from Unique Finance fraudsters!
7) Are People from Developed Countries Members of Unique Finance?
Fraudsters behind Unique Finance claim that investors from developed countries (like the US, Germany, the UK, and Canada) are members of this network and receive huge profits. But is this claim logical?
– In developed countries, bank interest rates are usually between 2% and 3%, and if there were actually an institution offering 72% guaranteed annual returns, millions of European and American investors would flock to it.
– A simple review of Alexa and Google Trends statistics shows that the primary audience of Unique Finance comes from developing countries with economic crises.
– Unique Finance has no credibility in developed countries, and its name is even on the warning list of regulatory bodies like FINMA (Switzerland) and IOSCO (internationally).
The Bitter Truth:
Unique Finance is designed for countries with economic problems, inflation, and poverty.
Its main goal is to exploit people who are looking for a quick way to get rich.
If Unique Finance were legitimate, people in Europe and the US would have invested billions of dollars in it, but this has never happened!
8) Is Unique Finance the Same as Unique Finanz AG?
Claim by Fraudsters: Yes
Reality: No!!!
To make themselves appear more legitimate, fraudsters have forged the name of another company!
Fraudsters claim that Unique Finance and Unique Finanz AG are one and the same company under two different names. However, a simple search on the official Swiss company registry website (Zefix) shows that Unique Finanz AG has no connection to Unique Finance.
Unique Finanz AG is a legally registered company in Switzerland, led by Robert Wisser. This company operates in the clean energy and fuel sector and has no connection to financial markets or investment activities.
Robert Wisser personally stated on TrustPilot that his company has no connection with Unique Finance.
Official documents for Unique Finanz AG clearly state that this company has no other trade name.
9) Does the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Approve the Activities of Unique Finance?
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is one of the main regulatory bodies overseeing financial markets in the United States. This body has consistently warned investors about schemes promising high returns without risk, which lack legal licenses and are suspected to be Ponzi and pyramid schemes.
The SEC highlights the signs of Ponzi schemes in its investment alerts, which include:
– Promises of astronomical returns without risk.
– Abnormally consistent returns.
– Lack of transparency and hidden strategies.
– Lack of legal operating licenses.
On the official SEC website, Unique Finance is listed in the fraud warning section.
The Fate of Unique Finance’s Key Figures:
On December 6, 2021, Mohsen Derakh