Vahdi who was speaking with the Shi’a and Sunni clerics of Gorgan and Golestan provinces, reiterated, “In the course of the recent plot, in addition to the United States, which in shortest possible time voiced its support for the rioters, such countries as Germany and Britain, too, alongside Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime, had openly established a headquarters and were busy supporting the rioters.”
He added that the global arrogance tried to guide the recent events towards tribal issues, and to pretend that it is a supporter of different Iranian tribes and ethnic minorities, which was a big lie that was soon rejected by the Iranian people of different races.
“Although the enemy spent large expenses for this combinate war and unrests, their plots led to defeat, but while they know about this defat, they have no way, but to insist on continuation of this hybrid war,” he added.
The interior minister stressed that the false support of the oppressors for the nations had been proved in the past, and among them we can refer to their support for massacring the Iraqi Kurds and the Sunni Muslims in Mosul.
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