Referring to the importance of the submitted bill, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini said that the two sides will encourage and expand bilateral ties in the fields of language, education, culture, sports, youth, tourism and mass media.
The bill will also call for the study and promotion of the language and culture of the other party, especially Iranian studies and Portuguese language and culture, in their respective countries, he added.
According to Hosseini, it is expected that the parties will provide the infrastructure of the global computer network for teaching and learning each other’s language and promoting each other’s culture.
“Furthermore, the two sides will facilitate the re-export and re-import of materials and equipment for non-commercial purposes related to cultural and scientific activities as envisaged in this agreement,” he further said.
Stressing that this agreement is the first of its kind to be signed between the Islamic Republic of Iran and a Western European country, Hosseini stated that it can be used as a basic document in regulating Iran’s relations with other European countries.