Speaking on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Leader of the Islamic Revolution warned regional countries seeking to normalize ties with Israel that they are acting to their own detriment.
“They are making mistakes, they will lose; Loss awaits these; As the Europeans say, they are betting on a losing horse. Today, the situation of the Zionist regime is not a situation that encourages closeness to it; They should not make this mistake. The usurper regime is leaving. Today, the Palestinian movement is more active than ever in these seventy and eighty years.”
The following points can be considered as to why the “gambling of normalizing relations with the Zionist regime” is taking place.
1. In the popular dimension, the Muslims of the world today do not accept the normalization of their country’s relations with Israel, and even in some suffocated countries, they show their dissatisfaction and protest in this matter. For example, a few months ago, when Israel published the image of the secret meeting of the Libyan foreign minister with his Israeli counterpart in Italy, he faced the anger of the people and non-governmental organizations of Libya and forced the government of this country to remove the minister of foreign affairs, Najla Al-Monghosh. Another incident. The non-attendance of the Arab member countries of the Ibrahim Agreement in the ceremony of the second anniversary of this agreement led to the cancellation of this meeting. The anger of the people of these countries and the general dissatisfaction with the normalization of relations with the occupying regime of Al-Quds caused none of the Arab countries and the signatories of the agreement to participate in this ceremony.
This happened at a time when Tel Aviv was insinuating with widespread propaganda that with the implementation of the Ibrahim agreement, Israel’s relations with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan and the UAE would be normalized and would lead to the promotion of the tourism industry. In fact, the opposition of the nations of the region to the Zionist regime showed that the defense of Palestine and the liberation of Quds is one of the strategic goals of the Islamic world, and the disgust of Muslims against the occupiers has been institutionalized.
2. In the military-security dimension, there is no doubt that today the deterrence power of the occupation regime has been weakened and reached the minimum possible. Years ago, Ben Gurion, the Israeli prime minister and theoretician, predicted that if the deterrence power ends, Israel will be destroyed. Usually, the deterrent power of Israel was the presence of the Iron Dome, but the developments of recent years, including the defeat of this regime in the 33-day and 22-day wars, etc., showed that the deterrent power of the Iron Dome and the armed forces of this regime in regional wars are ineffective. Today Israel, due to the increase in national solidarity between the Palestinian Mujahideen and the increase in the military power of the resistance axis, the Zionist regime has lost the ability to fight back and has become an example of Ben Gurin’s prediction.
3. In the domestic dimension, the harsh and irrational policies of Prime Minister Netanyahu of the usurping regime and his insistence on the desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as the continuation of settlement construction in the vicinity of the Palestinian territories, have increased the dissatisfaction of the occupied Palestinian people, and the apartheid practices against the Arabs have caused public anger. The judicial reforms desired by Netanyahu, to remove his corruption case from the investigation circuit, along with the livelihood problems of the citizens, the existence of increasing inflation and increasing administrative corruption, have shortened the life of the fake government and may soon experience the replacement of another government.
The influx of Jewish immigrants to leave the occupied territories and buy property abroad, including in Patagonia, Argentina, shows Israel’s internal problems.
4. In the dimension of foreign relations, usually the political and financial support of major powers, including the United States and the European Union, has led to the strengthening and survival of the Zionist regime, but the conflict of the Netanyahu government with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council to stop settlement construction and also impose Apartheid against the Arabs has caused global dissatisfaction and even criticism of the United States and Europe against this regime. Such actions of Netanyahu prompted the United Nations General Assembly to adopt the advisory opinion of the Hague International Court of Justice on the nature of Israel’s occupation in demanding Palestinian land. In this voting, Arab and Islamic countries and even countries inclined to normalize relations with Tel Aviv voted in favor of Palestine.
The United Nations and other international institutions have displeased and reduced the ability of this regime to operate in the international arena. Today, Tel Aviv can no longer easily use its previous privilege to stop international approvals against itself. Also, the Zionist regime’s distancing from the peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority and the non-acceptance of the presence of two governments in the occupied territories, which is one of the conditions of the Arab League, has damaged the policy of de-escalation with the Arab governments, and the few countries inclined to normalize relations with Tel It has caused Aviv to doubt.
Considering these undeniable facts, Calling the Zionist regime a “losing horse” by the leader of the Islamic revolution has strong logic and objective support. His benevolent advice to the Arab countries to refrain from this unsuccessful gamble, if it gets attention, it can correct their calculation error and straighten the unity of the Islamic world for the liberation of Palestine and the first Qibla of Muslims.