Speaking during this week’s Friday Prayers in Tehran, provisional Friday Prayers leader Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Javad Haj Ali Akbari pointed to the repetition of insulting the holy Quran in Sweden, saying lambasting the Swedish government for allowing such shameful actions to take place once again under the pretext of Freedom of Speech.
“From time to time in European countries, this shameful, anti-cultural and anti-human act is done, which unfortunately, this time the Swedish government has allowed it and caused hurt to the feelings of 2 billion Muslims during Hajj rituals.”
He blasted the European states’ claim on advocating human rights, saying allowing such insults to take place once again was showing disrespect for the rights of 2 billion people in the world.
“The Swedish government does not do anything on its own. The events that happened were instigated by the Zionists and the Americans, and they are behind this incident, although this will make them hated more by the freedom-seekers,” the senior cleric added.
Haj Ali Akbari further said “Islamic governments must have a regretful response. However, this incident does not harm the Quran because it has become universal and its light will shine everywhere. In fact, it is like throwing dirt on the face of the sun that will be futile that will make the perpetrators regret and increase resentment against them.”