Regarding March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, the Iranian Embassy in Pakistan emphasized the need to take coordinated measures at the national, regional, and international levels, especially in Islamic countries to deal with the phenomenon of Islamophobia while condemning all forms of religious violence, fanaticism, and Islamophobia.
The statement said that the Zionist and colonialist conspiracy through provocative actions such as Quran burning, insulting the Islam Prophet, and openly insulting the holy things, beliefs, and religious values of one and a half billion people under the pretext of “freedom of” expression” has become a normal subject.
This dangerous phenomenon causes the escalation of tension, spreading hatred, Islamophobia, and violence against Muslims and is considered a threat to international peace and security and human rights and a threat to peaceful relations between nations and followers of divine religions and peaceful coexistence, the statment said.
The statement adds that the support of the United States and some Western countries of terrorism, as well as the actions of some terrorist and extremist groups in the name of Islam, tarnished the Islam image and increased the wave of Islamophobia in the world.
The biased highlighting and exaggeration of the violent and terrorist acts of violent and extremist groups by Western propaganda have fueled the creation of Islamophobia and anti-Islamism, it says, even though they have remained silent against the crimes of the Zionist regime and the genocide in Gaza, it added.
The statement said that this embassy condemns the insulting of religious sanctities and inciting the feelings of religious followers under the pretext of freedom of expression and asks the international community to not be indifferent to insulting the holy things of Muslims, attacking holy books of divine religions and religious places of Muslims, including Al-Aqsa Mosque.
At the end of the statement asks everyone to make efforts to deal with Islamophobia, religious violence, and terrorism within the framework of international and national laws and regulations in addition to emphasizing the importance of taking coordinated measures to fight against any discrimination, xenophobia, and violence against Muslims.