Simultaneously with the contradictory reports about accepting the resignation of the head of the stock exchange organization, the parliament and the government accused each other of interfering in the stock exchange.
According to DayliNews.ir , Mohsen Alizadeh, a member of the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange, announced on Wednesday, the first of February, that the council agreed with the resignation of the head of the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization.
According to Alizadeh, a new chairman or head of the stock exchange organization will be elected in the next 15 days.
On Tuesday, the media published the text of the resignation of Hassan Qalibaf Asl, head of the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization.
In his letter, he criticized the stock market for “failing to provide declarative conditions to support industries, the capital market and investors” and also referred to “political actions and the unprofessional and excessive involvement of individuals and officials in capital market discussions.” Was.
However, Hassan Qalibaf had denied the principle of his resignation.
In recent days, a group of affected shareholders chanted slogans in front of the stock exchange organization.
Simultaneously with the fall of the stock market index in recent days, the parliament and the government accused each other of interfering in the stock market.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Mahmoud Vaezi, head of the Iranian president’s office, urged lawmakers not to interfere in the stock market.
According to Vaezi, MPs hold a meeting on the stock market, and when the stock index is positive, “they say we solved the problem and the government could not, but when the stock index is negative, they say we warned from the beginning.”
Referring to the loss of a group of stockbrokers, he said Hassan Rouhani had ordered a plan to be drawn up so that “those who trusted the two funds would not be deprived of trust.” The preacher did not elaborate further on the plan.
Simultaneously with these words, Nasrullah Pejmanfar, the head of the Article 90 Parliamentary Commission, said that “the interventions of the president and the head of his office” have “brought the stock market to this precarious situation.”
A day before the speech, Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf criticized the government’s performance on the stock exchange, saying: “I told the Minister of Economy 40 days ago that the capital market is mismanaged and needs to be reformed, but this market is still suffering the same damage. Is.”
Different opinions have been expressed about the reasons for the decline of the stock market index. Some experts have attributed the fall in the stock market to developments in the foreign exchange market in Iran and the fall in the value of the dollar after Joe Biden won the US election.
In contrast, some actions of state-owned companies and other institutions called legal shareholders have been cited as the reason for the decline in the stock market index.
Earlier, a number of economists had warned of the consequences of bursting the bubble, citing the bubble of some stocks or even the stock market.