Lavrov said, “Russia is determined for active and constructive work within the ‘Caspian Five’ in order to bolster the region’s position as a zone of peace, harmony, good neighborliness, and fruitful international cooperation,” TASS reports.
The Russian foreign minister pointed out that the joint work of the Caspian littoral states is “an important factor to ensure security, stability, and sustainable development throughout the territory of Eurasia.”
“Our work is about how to increase the efficiency of our implied efforts in order to implement Russia’s multifaceted interests in the Caspian Sea, how we can provide for the further development of the region’s potential in trade, economic, transit, scientific, humanitarian and other spheres, and, of course, in preserving the very fragile environment of the Caspian Sea,” he said.
Russia set for constructive work within Caspian Five format
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